
Narcan Training Workshop

FBC in partnership with the University of Kentucky is researching opioid and substance use in the black community.  REFOCUS is seeking to bring awareness surrounding opioid misuse by gathering data that will help to inform treatment services, interventions, policies, and practices to support our community better and implement services that help black people live fulfilling lives.

The REFOCUS research team is seeking to serve is by providing Narcan training to faith-based organizations and community leaders. The training is free and available to any individual in the community. The training is scheduled on Saturday September 28, 2024 @ 12PM in the family life center. This training is FREE and open to the public. 

Manhood Restored: A men's small group study

Manhood Restored is a small group discipleship session for "men" only. This 6 week discipleship class will explore the crisis of manhood in our culture and provide men with a renewed vision and purpose in life through Jesus Christ. The deadline for registration is October 7, 2024. 

Discerning the Voice of God: A small group Bible s

Discerning the Voice of God - A small group discipleship study

Facilitated by: Sis. Natasha Menifee

Have you ever wondered how to hear the voice of God? Do you sometimes confuse your voice with God's voice? This is study is designed to help individuals understand how to hear the voice of God in your daily life. This is a dynamic study by Priscilla Shirer that explores how to discern the voice of God.

VIRTUAL & In-Person
8-week session (10/14/24 - 12/2/24)
Mondays, 6:30pm-8:00pm

Deadline to register 10/7/24

Max 15 participants

Fall Into Study

Join us during the month of September thru October as "Fall Into Study". We encourage you to participate in Sunday morning discipleship classes on Sundays @ 9:45am. We have classes for all ages! 

(859) 744-6624

